How Technology Plays a Role in Renewable Energy

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Douglas Healy

Technology plays a role in renewable energy in many ways including through research and innovation. There are many champions in the field of technology and renewable energy, including Douglas Healy. Doug has been a champion of renewable and sustainable energy for many years and sees great benefits in finding alternatives to fossil fuels. 

We need to work with technology and research & development in order to find the best way forward for the world so that we can avoid a total crisis in 2050. Which is predicted by scientists to be the date that we will run out of fossil fuels and face an energy crisis or worse, extinction. The polar ice caps are melting, the Earth’s temperature is rising, and this is all because of our rampant consumerism and utter disregard for the world in which we live. 

But how you may ask does technology play a role in renewable energy? Well, as aforementioned technology is the new way forward for renewable sources of energy. Without technology we wouldn’t have solar power, biofuels, wind farms and other renewable energy sources.

But engineering is really helping the field, especially technical and mechanical engineering. Without engineers and their skills, we are not able to build on the technology to help us continue the fight against the use of fossil fuels and the dissemination of Earth. 

With engineering comes greater innovations in the fields of solar energy, as well as geothermal energy. It is one thing to harness energy and it is another to get the energy to the required place. That is where Engineers come in. Some of our brightest minds are working to perfect the routes by which we get energy into our homes and businesses through innovation. Moreover, they are challenging old technologies to find cheaper, faster and more cost-effective ways in the long-term to deliver on biofuels and other renewable or sustainable energy sources. 

But it is not just the engineers who are working on the problem, but scientists too. It is one thing to understand how to build something; it is another to understand how to harness and improve bio fuels and renewable energy at the cellular or molecular level. It is with the help of scientists that we have countries where biofuel is a way of life, and we now know the ways in which we can help us and maintain such energy sources well into the thousands of years from now. 

Many scientists and experts from other fields are working tirelessly, and in collaboration to perfect and preserve the use of biofuels in the hopes of stamping out the crisis we will almost certainly face, if we don’t change our ways soon.

The technology and fuels harnessed by scientists is slowly making its way into society, and it is starting down on the farms. Farms are really great places to test the innovation and correlation between technology and sustainable energy. Farms offer a large spectrum within a small space. In them you can see how the animals respond to the use of technology and sustainable energy, and you can test wind power if the location permits it. A farm is truly a great cross section for any renewable research scientist who wants to put their fuel and technology to the test. 

Governments the world over need to embrace technology and sustainable energy research if they want to avoid the ticking time bomb that is the end of fossil fuels. Without a well researched and well established technological field, we will probably face ruin. Engineering and other technological industries hold the key to our survival, as such they should be supported and funded adequately in order to advance their cutting edge research.

Douglas Healy is very impressed with and excited by the moves technology has made to advance renewable energy. He encourages anyone in the field to continue the pursuit of perfect sustainable or renewable energy and encourages young folks to get out there and join the fight to save the planet from impending doom. Doug believes that if we continue along with the fight to change the world and embrace sustainable energy that we will find an equilibrium with fossil fuels and eventually find a way to eradicate their use forever